Move Beyond Adversity  Blog

Resilience 101: Ten Easy Ways To Experience Nature & Improve Wellbeing flourish gratitude positive growth resilience

Do You Spend Time in Nature?


Spending time in nature helps reduce anxiety, bolster physical health, and improve mental health and wellbeing. Nature escapes can include sitting on a park bench, hiking trails, tilling a garden, and even camping.

But you don't have to escape to a park or...

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Flourishing 101: Top 9 Ways To Live A No-Regrets Life flourish

Are You Flourishing?


Flourishing takes a holistic approach to having a happy or good life. It encompasses positive emotions, activities, and life satisfaction that make people feel whole.

Another benefit of flourishing is resilience. When obstacles come your way, a positive outlook will...

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Resilience 101: Stress Triggers and Coping Techniques strengthen resilience

Stress Can Be Healthy?


Stress is a normal part of our life. Short-term stress can be healthy and a great motivator to get things done.

Long-term stress unrelieved can negatively impact your health both physically and emotionally. 

Fortunately, managing your stress is within your...

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4 Key Steps To Break A Goal Into Smaller Goals And Achieve Success growth mindset strengthen resilience

How Do You Stay Motivated To Reach Your Goals?


I am highly motivated on Mondays. In fact I call it Motivational Monday or Magical Monday because anything can happen. On Motivational Monday, I can stick to a diet and exercise plan flawlessly. I can even tackle my To Do List with ease.


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Resilience 101: How To Laugh Away Your Stress During Challenges strengthen resilience

 Why We're Called The Giggle Twins


Growing up, my twin sister Lucy and I were always asked if we could read each others mind. People thought we could because we could give the other a look or say a word and we would start giggling.

It wasn't that we could read each others mind. We...

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7 Reasons Why Volunteering Benefits Health And Builds Resilience choices gratitude positive growth resilience

Why Is Volunteering Important?


Volunteering has many benefits such as feeling more socially connected, which keeps loneliness and depression away.

Studies have shown that adults over the age of 50 who volunteer regularly can reap the benefits of lower stress and lower blood pressure due to...

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Resilience 101: 6 Steps to Improve Your People-Picking Skills boundaries critical thinking positive resilience

How Are Your People-Picking Skills?


Are you able to read people when you first meet them?

Do you get taken advantage of often? Why?

Do you find yourself attracted to charming extroverts even when you get a bad vibe from them? Why?

Do you have friends that continually make poor decisions...

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3 Crucial Things In Your Control When Unexpected Hardship Hits adversity choices decision making resilience

When Adversity Blindsides You

Have you ever found yourself going through life content and then all of a sudden you receive bad news which makes you feel like the rug of life has been pulled out from underneath you?

Maybe the bad news was the loss of a loved one or a critical health diagnosis or...

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How God Proved I Could Trust Him In Difficult Times adversity faith humor resilience

 Do You Struggle Trusting God In Difficult Times?

As Christians we are called to walk by faith not by sight. In Hebrews 11:6 (NIV), it says "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly...

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5 Tips to Cultivate Positive Emotions and Strengthen Your Resilience choices hunt the good stuff positive growth resilience

Do You Greet A New Day With A Smile Or A Grunt?

Since I moved in with my twin sister Lucy after my divorce, we have developed our morning routine of grunting at each other while pouring our coffee. We are both coffee drinkers and unable to speak until we've had a few sips of coffee. Once the...

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