6 Tips for Mastering Resilience: Lessons from Helen Keller

adversity growth mindset resilience
Helen Keller


Have you ever wondered why some individuals bounce back from adversity more readily than others?

It's a curiosity that has enthralled me for quite some time. Throughout history, we find inspiring figures who rose from the ashes of their trials, transforming their experiences into powerful driving forces for personal growth and success.

One exemplary model of resilience is Helen Keller, who overcame unimaginable obstacles to lead an incredibly impactful life. 



Unfolding the Story of Helen Keller

Born in the late 19th century, Helen Keller lost her ability to see and hear at 18 months old due to an unidentified illness. This left her in a world of persistent darkness and silence - an unimaginably challenging situation for anyone, let alone a toddler.

The limitations seemed insurmountable, but Helen was a curious, intelligent child with an adventurous spirit. Although her temper tantrums initially disrupted the peace of her family's household, she learned to manage her emotions with the aid of her dedicated teacher, Anne Sullivan.

The accomplishments of Helen Keller throughout her lifetime are awe-inspiring:

  1. By age seven, she learned to finger spell the word "water" and understood that words held meaning.
  2. At nine, she started learning to speak and read lips with her fingers.
  3. She became the first deaf-blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree, graduating from Radcliffe College in 1904.
  4. She authored twelve books and numerous articles, publishing her first book, an autobiography titled "The Story of My Life", at the young age of 22.
  5. She traveled the globe seven times, visiting 35 countries and giving motivational speeches, empowering countless individuals dealing with vision loss.


Helen Keller's remarkable journey underscores her belief that "The marvelous richness of human experience would lose something of rewarding joy if there were no limitations to overcome. The hilltop hour would not be half so wonderful if there were no dark valleys to traverse."



Embracing Radical Acceptance

Helen's story exemplifies a fundamental principle: Radical acceptance. This concept states that suffering stems not directly from pain but from our attachment to it. Accepting reality, rather than resisting it, helps alleviate continuous emotional reactions that can lead to suffering.

The key is to acknowledge the initial pain, then shift your focus toward elements within your control - your thoughts, your words, and your actions.

I found this principle pivotal in my own journey. Following a heart transplant and unexpected divorce at age 58, I chose to acknowledge my emotions through counseling which eventually helped me view these adversities as catalysts for positive growth rather than burdens to bear.

By focusing on what I could do, I began to see new opportunities and formed a resilience framework. This framework helped me transform hardship into hope, launch a new business, rediscover long-forgotten hobbies, and create a bucket list for current and future adventures.


Implementing Radical Acceptance

Implementing radical acceptance in your life can be challenging but gets easier with practice. Acknowledging your pain is the first step toward finding joy and happiness again. Here are some practical tips for practicing radical acceptance:

  1. In emotionally charged situations, focus on deep breathing, acknowledge your thoughts, and let them pass. Look at the facts of the situation.
  2. Repeat to yourself, "Yes, this is unfair, but there are things I have control over to change my situation," and jot them down, no matter how small.
  3. Pay attention to your body and release stress through self-care activities such as exercise, go on a nature walk, play with pets, etc.
  4. Develop coping strategies to maintain rationality during difficult times. Accept that life can be worthwhile even when experiencing pain.
  5. Practice mindfulness and live in the present, not the past.
  6. Learn to let go of the need to control others or your whole situation. Focus on what's in your control to change, especially your thoughts, words, and actions.



Embracing radical acceptance isn't about resigning to your fate but about consciously acknowledging the reality of your situation. It involves accepting what is, without trying to change or resist it, while focusing your energies on areas within your control. By adopting this mindset, you open yourself up to new opportunities and avenues for growth.

One thing is clear: life after adversity doesn't just exist; it can thrive. Challenges and setbacks, though painful, can serve as pivotal moments of transformation. Remember, every closed door can lead to a window revealing a stunning vista of new opportunities waiting for you.



No matter what adversity you're facing, remember the profound lesson from Helen Keller's life and my personal journey: challenges can be transformed into stepping stones towards growth and purposeful living. It starts with radical acceptance, focusing on your thoughts, words, and actions, and seeking out opportunities for growth.


Need More Help?

Are you facing adversity and feel unsure of how to navigate the turbulent waters? As a Resilience Coach, I am here to guide you through your journey of transformation. I offer a free 30-minute coaching call, where we can begin your journey from pain to purpose, and from adversity to flourishing life. Don't wait another day to start thriving in your life beyond adversity.

Schedule your free call today, and let's transform your pain into purpose, and find your path to flourish in life.