Move Beyond Adversity  Blog

Pain vs Suffering: One Enables Growth During Hardship (Part 2) adversity choices divorce faith pain vs suffering positive growth

My Christian Faith

Over the years, my Christian faith has grown stronger with each hardship I endured. I can't imagine going through my darkest times without the Holy Spirit interceding on my behalf when I was unable to turn my groans into words of prayer. I remember during one hardship in 2000,...

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Pain vs Suffering: One Enables Growth During Hardship (Part 1) adversity choices divorce pain vs suffering positive growth

An Unexpected Divorce

When I was going through my divorce last fall, I had a difficult time accepting the fact that my marriage of 27 years was over. My ex-husband had a couple of years with his girlfriend to get used to the idea but I learned about it one month after my heart transplant surgery....

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